posted by twondai
on Tue, 2016-02-23 18:21
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
i love to work with redstone, but i feel as though my skills with it are very limited. i want to learn how to make complex creations, but video tutorials seem much to boring and slow for me to get anything done. i think i would get much more progress if i could actually get feedback on my creations from other players, which is why i want to join this redstone server. also every other redstone themed server i tried was full of trolls.
Current Redstone knowledge:
to be honest, i don't really know that much stuff about redstone. the only thing i'm really good at is making fancy doors that are (usually) seamless with the walls. although i do know pretty much all the basic gates (NOR, NAND, XOR,etc.), i just lack the knowledge to use them effectively in complex builds.
Past Redstone Experience:
A long time ago, i built a very basic adding calculator, but i lost the world it was stored in, so now the only complex and impressive thing i have is a quadruple piston extender of my own design. i'm quite proud of it because i built it from scratch without the help of any tutorials, but someone of a higher skill level might find it laughably easy(i've actually made a copy in the visitors section, if the application reviewer would like to see it, it's at the very back, one of the creations made with lime green wool). the extension works the way you'd expect, but i've used a retraction method that i think isn't very common. two pulses (about 10 tics apart), are shot to most of the pistons, so that they extend and retract at the exact moments to grab and be grabbed by other pistons.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
i'd also like to mention that very rarely use other people's builds. i always start from scratch, using logic that i've collected over the years i've spent with redstone.
Application status: