Application for EdmanTheScientst

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join a server that is for redstoners. It is nice for me to be around other redstoners. I find it relaxing. I dont think this server has ridiculous expectations ,like to be on this one server you had to make like 70 cpu's that all talk to each other at once practically,. Iv'e also always wanted to be able to show my creations. I think it would be very fun.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I am learning adders and i am pretty fluent in subtractors. I do survival "Widgets" as I call them which are things that add to the survival experience or make survival a bit more fun. Some time they can be pretty helpful like things that give you new items once you die and respawn at your bed. I also do doors toggle timers and weird / very specific gates(like say for a no torch build). I also dabble in the old mini-games. Oh and i really like comparators and not to brag but i know a pretty decent amount about them.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Customised item elevators, songwriting (making original songs in MC), minigames, doors, hidden roof lights, BUDs(using odd things such as torches), Oooh now i really thinkin what i made i tried and sort of failed to make a binary piston tape counter with a 7 segment display, and again a bajillion widgets (many funny & not useful) which It would take awhile to list but a few are micro enderpearl dispenser, bed widget, offline killer widget and a few others.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
6-10 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Well i live in Arizona the only place in america where a very endangered cactus named the Sagoro(sag_war_o) cactus (like the 1's from minecraft & cartoons)
Application status: 