Application for Coborohoo

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Just interested in what other people have to build while looking to help out and possibly learn a few new things. I come from Xbox Minecraft so using World Edit is a nice upgrade. Also, bunny owes me for spamming "I like carrots" all over the development board of my server.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I have fairly extensive knowledge of redstone and real world functions. I started a mere noob building games and "calculators" with designs I had put together, none based off very much logic as I taught myself. Pushed in the right direction I studied and designed things like Adders, ALU's. CPU's, Memory, and other building blocks to larger units. I have been busy recently but the last thing I built was a 4 Bit ICA ALU with basic CU.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have built plenty of things I cant even remember with friends in other worlds on Xbox. I try to design everything I use on my own but every once in a while if I need a certain generic mono-stable or register I will use it. A few things I built: Vector Graphing Program, Flappy Bird, Pong (A couple times), Binary Multiplier with UI, Diagram for a square rooting unit in Binary that I never got around to building, Endless ABBA Switch because why not, Loads of Memory, Coordinate plane pointer, Lots of ALU's, CPU's, Random Mathematical Units, Different types of adders, BCD, Place value shifter. Just junk like that.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Application status: 