Application for MrCyanGaming

CyanRS's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I'm interested in joining this server as I'd like to be able to do redstone on a server dedicated to redstone so that I can learn more about redstone and receive real-time feedback from my peers, as well as aiding others in their attempts to learn and or work on huge redstone projects. I've also met some cool people on the server whilst visiting and I'd really like the opportunity to get to work with them properly.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I used to just build simple contraptions for example; Farms, Doors, Elevators. I've only started getting into building large projects that utilize various logic circuits two days prior to writing this. One project I worked on was a typewriter, I scrapped it when I realized I wouldn't be able to connect up the outputs to the display as the distance and angle was awkward. I plan to re build it now that I have a clearer idea of how I want it to work.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I made a wireless redstone sender and receiver a few d7ays ago, it was based off of rednomsters wireless redstone video: I used this and hooked up the sender to 26 buttons, each signal being converted to binary and sent as a binary code through the use of fireworks. Firework=1, No_Firework=0. The first number in each string of binary was a 1 so that the receiver knew when to begin counting, I used a clock and 3 monostable circuits to count to 8 because 2^3=8. It counted to 8 becasue each binary string had 8 digits. It saved the values in RS NOR Latches. Once it counted to 8, it then lit up 1 of 26 lamps depending on which letter I inputed through the receiver. This was a concept for multiple signals being sent through 1 wireless redstone line and I think it turned out great.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Application status: 


Pentolach's picture

Good to go ^^

By Pentolach
Pentolach's picture

Good to go ^^

By Pentolach
JaredElms's picture

I can't do better

By JaredElms

Amazing :)

By JaceTheHacker