Application for nobel667

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I do not play minecraft for survival, (i used to) but i play it for the joy of redundant tasks i guess, to the point where i am making a 4 bit simple alu on MCPE, i like "wire games" including powder toy, so im here on styms to try and learn more for my own creative efficiency
Current Redstone knowledge: 
my current knoledge of redstone is mixed, i understand alu's the only thing i am struggeling to grasp is negative binary, i do understand the rest of the logic behind the alu though: or = or, nor = or + fc, and = !a+!b + or + floodCarry, nand = !a + !b + or, xor = !a or !b +fc, xnor = FloodCarry, 2's compliment = !b + CarryIn, most of my knowledge panders towards making cpu's as i have a huge interest in computers BCD, Serial, Binary Counters, Rca Alu Cle Alu i was never good at math but i consider myself an amateur logician
Past Redstone Experience: 
i have been playing with redstone for a long time in many forms, from vanilla to redstone-paste and project red and even microblocks configuration, i have made stuff like clocks with BCD conneted to 7Seg displays, i also made a "Tamagothci" with face animations and a counter for food/happiness displays/configuring but i am here to try and learn more
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
6-10 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
these are some of my unfinished projects. i would like to learn better ways to make cpu's, and better alus, as i know rca and cle, but not the others i would also like to learn more functional parts like ram, and program memory, and how to properly use opcode and instruction sets i hope to build with you all soon :) thanks for reading
Application status: 