Application for nessabeast

Nessabeast's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
why did you ban me i did not grief if you think i did plz send me a email of proof that I was griefing
Current Redstone knowledge: 
if i did gief i understasnd and u dont have to let me back in
Past Redstone Experience: 
so im so sorry if i did but plz give me one more chance
Application status: 
Not approved


Nessabeast's picture

mt email is *BLANK*
that is my moms 2nd email

By Nessabeast
Flandyn's picture

"I have blanked your E-mail address, so that people won't spam it or send any advertisement. I did not ban you nor do I have any clue about the case. The staff here, does have access to your E-mail address through your account.

This server doesn't logg every grief as pictures. I'm sure a staff banned you because you broke some blocks in visitors area.

Please, go to our Forum, and write a post on "Ban appeal" where you excuse your grief, promise not do to it again and that you would very much like to play on this server."

Have a nice day.


By Flandyn