Base Converter

Ti-89's picture
Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Bensoft007 (Regular+)
Creation location: 
-97, 186, -306
Machine Features: 

This machine is a base converter built in minecraft. It is able to convert any 8 bit binary number into any 4 bit base (and base 16) with some restrictions listed in the "How to Use" section. Unlike other base converters built in minecraft, this circuit uses absolutely no division. The only operations it uses are addition, bit-shifting, and comparison along with a few logic gates implemented for the odd bases (No, I did not use these components just to make a divider). I was able to accomplish this after learning why the algorithm "Double Dabble" works and applying it to all number-bases. This makes the machine extremely fast, in fact, It takes me longer to check the result than for the machine to give it to me.

How To Use: 

In order to use this machine, you must first input the 8 bit binary number that you wish to convert in the lower input using the levers. Then, input your base in the top input using the 4 levers. After a few seconds, you should see the correct result appear above the inputs on the number display.

A few notes: This converter will only convert the number correctly if the third digit of the answer is less than or equal to three due to the size of the machine. Also, the machine can only display 3-digit answers, so if the answer is greater than 3 digits, it will not give the right answer. Finally, if you wish to convert to hexadecimal, you can simply set the base-input to "0000" and the correct answer will be displayed on the screen.

Request status: 


CyanRS's picture

Good luck m8! :D

By CyanRS