posted by yesjoshuarocks
on Sun, 2016-04-17 00:47
In-game name:
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I love redstoning, and I want to learn more about it. This is the best server I could find that had a way of vewing other peoples redstone builds, and sharing my own. I love looking at things like the tik-tak-toe game, and all the others. There's so much redstone stuff I test in my testing world, and I want to share all the things I've done.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know about stuff like double piston extendors, (I don't know how to make a tripple piston extendor yet!) I know about monostable curcets, how to use slime blocks, not as much as some people on the surver, but I'm getting there! I can't weight to get to computer level! I don't understand memory systems yet, but I am sort of getting where to start by looking at other builds.
Past Redstone Experience:
my personal favorate thing I've done is my gambling simulatir minigame. It uses a block rotator to switch out the blocks, a randomiser for how long it spins, a monostable curcet, stuff like that. I am also proud of my *deep breath* button toggled password protected door. I am also proud of my *VERY deep breath* double piston extendor based double slime block extendor based double block swapper, or, just the double block swapper.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
11-15 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am dislexic, so any not well written stuff is probably because of that. I did build my gambling simulator on the visitors section! The redstone is on 100% oak wood!)
Application status:
I'm dislexic, so any not well
I'm dislexic, so any not well writen stuff is probably because of that. Also, my gambling simulator is in the visitor section of the server. (It's redstone is on 100% oak wood!)