Application for Beebooliam

Beebooliam's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Im intresting because i want to learn doing redstone and help others if they are stuck and i can start to be a redstone master also i will accept being a redstoner and not give up and not be bored and keep on trying like, I just learn heaps by the second and every other redstoner does aswell.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know pistons and how to work them I , I kinda know how to Make machines go back and forth nonstop without stopping, Yup i do that! I kinda know how to use repeaters and what to do with them its tricky to use them but i get the handle of it once i use them alot and i use redstone torches alot too.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Well my past redstone experience was being a noob. When i first found out of it i thought i would give it a go and i really and i mean REALLY sucked at it, Once i thought of it alot i got the handle of it i had no idea what pistons,redstone torches,Sticky pistons,How to make doors And i even had no idea what redstone repeaters did aswell!
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Well i am still learning but thats why i want to become a learner as you know so i learn heaps more about redstone and that i can become a redstone master one day.
Application status: 


Beebooliam's picture

I think to become a redstoner is just, Beliving what you can do and thats what you guys can do aswell i hope you liked my Application and that you learnt more about me on redstone and you guys will learn from me too.

By Beebooliam