Application for purpledragonnuke

purpledragonnuke's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I'm interested because it's a redstoning server that a lot of my friends have recommended to me, and because a lot of the other plotworld servers (such as Xisuma's server) have rotten staff and communities, a smaller quieter server would be nice to be a part of :p
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Undisputed redstone door master, good at designing farms, elevators, hidden staircases and minigames, decent at command blocks, very good at 0 ticknology, one of the few people to fully understand redstone comparators, I understand redstone logic but don't really build it myself.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I hold the record for the fastest 3x3 piston door which opens and closes in 1.5 ticks, works off 0 tick engines and microtick delays which act as falling edge 0 tick monostables. I also hold the record for the fastest elevator in minecraft with a speed of 60 blocks per second, works in minecraft 1.9+. Uses the 1.9 piston bug and gives each piston a 0 tick pulse, and each one fires half a redstone tick after the other. I also successfully made the first wither powered obsidian farm for minecraft 1.8 when the wither's hitbox was reduced by half a block. I would mention more creations but this paragraph would go on forever so it would be easier if I just showed you my YouTube channel :p
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
> 15 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I'm pretty renowned for having the stupidest username for any moderately successful minecraft YouTuber, and for being obsessed with 0 tick stuff and doors. I'm also veeeery lazy so despite me having very good redstone skill, napping comes first c:
Application status: 