posted by Leonardardo 1515
on Tue, 2016-04-26 00:42

In-game name:
Leonard 1515
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
i found this server where online and i checked it out. every one stopped just to say hi. it seems like a good server to test things on and have help around! i know you can accomplish a lot here. after your done with a project, you could take a couple screen-shots an put them on a survival world or factions server! after a lot of help from others to make the best project ever!
Current Redstone knowledge:
i know a few commands for command blocks.i'm good at piston traps and other piston things. i'm good at light circuits and comparator detectors. o'm working on an automatic potion lab in my own redstone world. i can make teleports. i can make vertical Jeb doors, and i can make vertical trap doors.
Past Redstone Experience:
my redstone potion lab. it uses a lot of dust, comparators, clocks, hoppers, droppers, mine carts, a hopper timer, buttons, levers, mine cart drop-off gates, and some other stuff. you flick a lever, the hopper clock turns on. every 14 seconds, potions from 5 different brewing stations would go into hoppers to the next station. they go try hoppers to droppers, then up there go to more hoppers to the next stand. then the process starts over again. the carts would deliver water bottles to brewing stands to make base potions.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
naw not really. except the staff. what will they do if my plot is used by someone else?
Application status:
Not approved
for some reason, i got banned. it said i grieved and ignored staff, but my mouse is broken and i didn't see them in chat. :{
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