posted by NHDinosaur
on Wed, 2016-04-27 22:53

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I've played on different servers over the years of my playing minecraft and often the case was redstone was not allowed at all. I wanted to show my real talent to others and inspire them to do the same. I can do that on this server, which is why I want to join it. I would also like to learn from others who have had more years of experience with redstone on this server, I just hope they will be kind to my questions.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I am not that much into Calculators and Computers, especially figuring out Binary adders. My strength in redstone is making simple household appliances that you would actually use in survival mode, such as secret passages and elevators. I am willing to learn about redstone Computers and Calculators if someone is willing to teach
Past Redstone Experience:
two creations I am very proud of are 1: a secret passage under a crafting table. Basically how it works is it has a vertical double-piston extender that gets pushed out and activated when the user wants to hide the passage, and deactivated then pulled back when the user wants to reveal it. 2: a redstone calculator using AND gates for the calculations. For example, if you flip the 1 lever and the 2 lever, the AND gate connected to those levers would be activated and put a 3 on the display.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Don't let my age fool you, I am a very intelligent young man who is wanting to learn more about this amazing logic called redstone.
Application status: