posted by Walrusful
on Sun, 2016-05-08 21:48
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in join this server to expand my knowledge of redstone and computers. I hope the teachers here will be active and supportive.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Computing, Binary, Logical Gates, Adders, Subtractors, Dividers, Multipliers, Ica, cca, rca, cle, cla, Alus, Cpus, Mux, Demux, Truth Tables, Shifters, Binary coded decimal, instruction sets, risc, cisc, barrel shifters, Memory, Rom, Ram, 7-segment displays, Fixed length arithmetic and complements, Latches, flip-flops, Basic boolean algebra, The difference between sequential and combinational logic, Decoder, Encoder, Data flip flop (DFF) and registers, Clocks and monostables, Binary counter, Serial register, Binary comparators, Program counter, Finite state machine, The difference between sequential and combinational logic, Big O Notation, Analysis of the addition algorithm, and how to build a display that shows a banana.
Past Redstone Experience:
List of a Redstone Creation I have Made.
Mnemonic Name and
Format Action
add Add
RRR-type 000 add rA, rB, rC Add contents of regB with regC,
store result in regA.
addi Add Immediate
RRI-type 001 addi rA, rB, imm Add contents of regB with imm,
store result in regA.
nand Nand
RRR-type 010 nand rA, rB, rC Nand contents of regB with regC,
store results in regA.
Load Upper
011 lui rA, imm
Place the 10 ten bits of the 16-bit imm
into the 10 ten bits of regA, setting the
bottom 6 bits of regA to zero.
Store Word
RRI-type 101 sw rA, rB, imm
Store value from regA into memory.
Memory address is formed by adding
imm with contents of regB.
lw Load Word
RRI-type 100 lw rA, rB, imm
Load value from memory into regA.
Memory address is formed by adding
imm with contents of regB.
beq Branch If Equal
RRI-type 110 beq rA, rB, imm
If the contents of regA and regB are the
same, branch to the address
PC+1+imm, where PC is the address of
the beq instruction.
Jump And Link
111 jalr rA, rB
Branch to the address in regB.
Store PC+1 into regA, where PC is the
address of the jalr instruction.
The RiSC-16 is an 8-register, 16-bit computer.
RiSC-16 Assembly Language and Assembler:
label:<whitespace>opcode<whitespace>field0, field1, field2<whitespace># comments
add regA, regB, regC R[regA] <- R[regB] + R[regC]
addi regA, regB, immed R[regA] <- R[regB] + immed
nand regA, regB, regC R[regA] <- ~(R[regB] & R[regC])
lui regA, immed R[regA] <- immed & 0xffc0
sw regA, regB, immed R[regA] -> Mem[ R[regB] + immed ]
lw regA, regB, immed R[regA] <- Mem[ R[regB] + immed ]
beq regA, regB, immed
if ( R[regA] == R[regB] ) {
PC <- PC + 1 + immed
(if label, PC <- label)
jalr regA, regB PC <- R[regB], R[regA] <- PC + 1
lw 1,0,count # load reg1 with 5 (uses symbolic address)
lw 2,1,2 # load reg2 with -1 (uses numeric address)
start: add 1,1,2 # decrement reg1 -- could have been addi 1,1,-1
beq 0,1,1 # goto end of program when reg1==0
beq 0,0,start # go back to the beginning of the loop
done: halt # end of program
count: .fill 5
neg1: .fill -1
startAddr: .fill start # will contain the address of start (2)
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I like redstone :P
Application status: