posted by SMP
on Sat, 2016-05-14 20:51
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in joining the server for many reasons. The first reason is to top off my redstone knowledge and take part in building great contraptions. The other reason is to help and give inspiration to the Minecraft community. I am very interested in this server because I saw it had many great reviews.
Current Redstone knowledge:
My current redstone knowledge extends to building calculators to the simplest things. I am not an expert at redstone, but I do think I fair well when it comes to doing it. I have built many contraptions before, yet they were mostly refining ore tinkering with other people's work. On this server I will like to adapt from what I have learned while tinkering to building original Minecraft redstone contraptions that I can call my own.
Past Redstone Experience:
My past redstone experience has not been too short of one. I started laying the game in 2012, but did not start getting into redstone until late 2014. One contraption that I built (though now it is pretty common) was a rainbow beacon display which took a while to make. The logic behind was to make a four different color display using a repeater that would activate then deactivate the pistons. Another project I am working on is building a calculator that can figure out any solution up to 100.These have been very ambitious projects and have taken some time to build, but they will exceed my expectations for what I thought I could do. I still though have learned a lot of redstone a since then and would like to adapt it to your server.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
> 15 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am a very gentle person and will use proper grammar and etiquette on your server. I shall respect other people's properties and behave according to the rules. I hope to be a part of your server and I am very excited to see what is in store.
Application status: