Application for XenondiFluoride

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Well, I am not the most experienced with red stone computers, but I like working with gate level logic in real life, so I figure a server where it is applied to actually make multiple systems that come together to from a computer of sorts is a great way to learn something and have fun. I also consider my self to be pretty easy going, and enjoy chatting with non 5 year olds who think they can donate their way through everything. This seems to be the first vanilla red stone server that seems not hosted by some random guy halfway across the world. Also the fact that you have forums shows there must be some sort of community, and community servers are nice compared to say mineplex where you do not really do anything other than go on the server.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I have more experience with real life circuits ( I have built counters, clocks, adders, multipliers ( my best one was a 4 bit multiplier) all on bread boards.) With red stone I am pretty decent at keeping things compact, and keeping traces as repeater free as possible. I have not built anything larger than a 4 bit computer in minecraft that could add and subtract. so clearly I need to work on building larger systems.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My best ever redstone creation was a 4 bit addition/subtraction computer/ calculator. It used a series of XOR and AND gates and OR gates to create a 4 bit Full adder. this then was duplicated up so that the two rows of chained full adders were on top of each other, and I could use canceling red stone signals from underneath to subtract the bottom value from the top value. This then went into as series of Binary to hexadecimal converters which were effectively large grids of repeaters and red stone with blocks place at strategic locations above the lines running in, so that the 4 bit binary could be used to drive a trashy piston display that never really worked. I never got to do more as the whole thing got griefed and I sort of lost interest.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I assume there will be people who might want people to team up with helping them build larger systems? I hope this application is okay. Also I speak some German.
Application status: 