posted by Delta2Force
on Sun, 2016-05-22 10:43
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to be a member, because i want to build Redstone with my Friends, learn more Redstone and because i like Redstone.
My Friend and i want to open a Youtube Channel (or something in that way), where we show our Redstone-Creations and then rebuild them. We would learn Redstone for that.
Current Redstone knowledge:
T - Flip Flop, Pistons, that Piston-Circle (forgot the name), a Redstone-Lamp Display that shows Numbers from 1 to 4, a Clock, Command Blocks, what you can do with Comparators, Repeaters, Daylightsensors, the difference between a Dispenser and a Dropper, Trapped Chests, Turn Redstone-Torches on and off and make Noteblocks play sounds.
Past Redstone Experience:
A Redstone-Lamp Display that automatically counts from 1 to 4.
- I built a Clock that runs in a circle, with a 8 tick delay.
- That Clock activates the number 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the display.
- Every line on the Display has its own Repeater.
- When i want to show the 1, 2 repeaters turn on.
The Rest has Command-Blocks in it...
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
6-10 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I can speak German and English, and i can code in C#, Java, HTML and Javascript. When you give me time, i can look trough APIs and create Project out of it.
My Friends name is "LeFrake".
Application status: