posted by kman0323
on Thu, 2016-06-16 02:09
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in joining the server for two reasons. One, to learn to compact my previous builds to obtain a more desirable look. Two, learning new methods for achieving the same end result, making it more compact in neat manner. I look forward to learning from some of the best to improve my skills as a part time Redstoner.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Here are a few things I know for my past experiences: T-flip flop. Nor, and, and or gates. Types of storage. Different pulse lengths. 20 hertz generators. Cannons. Short pulse makers. Timers. Displays. 0, 2, 3 game tick pulse makers. Pass codes. Command blocks. Piston doors. Bud switch.
Past Redstone Experience:
I will give old video of some of the Redstone work I do with TNT. It works by first having a compression that pushes around 300 tnt into a 1x1 area (close to it as tnt is 0.98). The tnt is aligned to the left side of the block by a piston quick pulse. From here something call a sand comp, (which is shoot 240 sand into a 1x1, 1 block above and forward from the power tnt. A guider is used to cancel out the y velocity. One block in front of the sand is something called a hammer ( which is a collection of around 340 tnt) so when the power fires, the sand and hammer get pushed out. They first calculate the y vales, x values then z value all in one game tick. In the next game tick the sand and hammer hit the wall. Since the hammer is one block above the sand, when it explodes y downward velocity will be given to the sand. The sand will stack 1 sand at a time due to Minecraft assigning different value to each, so around 240 sand will stack in a pillar. From there the watered wall will be gone due to tnt being in the sand when exploding. I am missing tons of info as it would take me forever to type it all.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Application status: