Application for J0SLAN

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server so I can share my redstone builds with others and so I can see other peoples' builds. The only other server I've found even close to as good as this one has long since died. I was hoping to learn my way into building full redstone computers instead of just building my own stuff in SSP or on subpar creative servers. I'd be able to teach unorthodox ways to build standard things (Always the best way to do it), and when I figure out my own contraptions, I'd be able to bring comparator logic where only digital logic has gone. This is about the only server I've found that would let me do this.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know how to build pretty standard things, like simple ALUs, RAM, or a calculator. I understand the basics of how a redstone computer may work. I have some knowledge of how redstone (and ticks in general) work on the software level, like how things are done in specific order, tick lengths and orders of specific events, and how location in the world can change how something works because of the hashing algorithm.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've built a hexdec comparator half adder, which * Sets sum-out to 15-((15-A)-B), which becomes A+B * If this value overflows, it turns on the carry-out and makes the sum-out become (B-(15-A)) which is A+B-15, and then subtracts 1 by just letting the redstone go an extra block. Hooray, ANALOG LOGIC. I also built other hexdec comparator things, but for the life of me I can't remember how they work and don't even know what they do anymore. I've built a 8-bit add/subtract calculator and a 6-bit add/sub/mult calculator. Multiplication was done by checking the least significant bit of value A and adding value B to a register if it was there, and shifting value A until it was zero. Add/subtract was done through a standard carry-adder for both calculators. Negative numbers existed for the 6-bit, whereas for the 8-bit the numbers were strictly positive and subtracting wrapped to 255. I used double-dabble and sticky pistons with redstone blocks for display. I made the 8-bit before I had made the 6-bit.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Two people actually use this account. I'm Joseph Irelan, and the other person is my friend Caty Lawren. She doesn't know about this server and would only know if I told her. If she can come on, using the J0SLAN account, I could tell her about it and she could come on when I'm not able to, so she can look at my stuff and the server in general. If she has to write her own registration form, I'll make her do it. Also, sorry for the huge walls of text.
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
Redstone computers when I've actually learned how to build them, and until then, random computer parts and comparator logic things that are guaranteed to be different from everything else everybody else has built. My ultimate goal is a 64-bit calculator with the standard ops as well as exponents, roots, trig (which can be done with roots if not anything else), graphing, up/down-arrow-math and other random complicated stuff. I'll probably only ever turn it on for demo and never use it because of *extreme lag*, but it'll be really cool. I side-ultimate-goal is a full comparator computer, with apps, math, etc.. In the end, I want to teach others what I've learned.