posted by Krystal Team
on Fri, 2016-07-15 03:05
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I was bored today and decided to play some Minecraft after a 2 week break from it. I looked back at my singleplayer worlds and they were all redstone. Then, I realized that I was a pro at redstone. I remember a lot of the core functions that I used in my redstone creations. The sad part was, I never knew how to make a life-sized PC. I wanted to make the same thing, being inspired by LPG and Koala_Steamed on youtube. I looked for redstone servers, and I found this one. I found this server, and looked at it. It was a pretty decent server. I looked, and everything was redstone all over the screen. I wanted to be like them. I want to share my creations with people and learn how to do that big stuff
Current Redstone knowledge:
I usually focus on simple and somewhat intermediate machines, such as piston bowling alleys, pin doors, etc. If I want to, I make a fail version of something really big. Sometimes, they can be wins. I mainly get this knowledge from playing around with redstone or watching tutorials. The 2 things that usually help me with machines are the RS NOR latch and the T flip flop.
Past Redstone Experience:
My biggest creation up to date is a data storing device. Basically, you flip some levers to set the values, then you press a button to store it to the corresponding cell. This can be helpful for an over-complicated word processor. But, idk who would use this for that. It uses a decoder to see what button is pushed. Then, when a button is pushed, it runs through the decoder to go to the right cell. Each cell is 4 D flip flops connected that get edited every time the control line (1 for each cell) is activated. It takes the current redstone signal (1, 2, 3, or 4) and it updates the D flip flop, corresponding to the value that was set. It instant-reads and is displayed as the output. Wow, that's a lot of lines. o_o
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
6-10 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
mah ketteh is suu kuwaiiii OuO
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
I am planning to make a better bowling alley than what I had before. It will come with RS NOR latches to represent what pins are up, a lava pit or something to make the ball disappear so that you don't have to pick it back up after every round. I will also try to make a word processor as well, since it is my dream to make one.