Application for ultramine9

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i am interested in joining this server because: I really like this server. This is the most beautiful server i ever played yet. I do not lie. And i wan't to join this server because i wan't to play this server for ever! This server makes my happy. And i really wan't build my own redstone creations in my own plot. The people are nice the server is nice the creations are nice. And the best of this is you can try redstone creations. so i wan't to join this server to make awsome creations and because i like to be a member
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i know a lot of redstone all the things i said know is true that i can make: i can make that if it's day the light will go off and if it is night the light will go on. i know tricks about redstone. i know how you can make that if you stand on a pressure plate that the redstone goes off and not on. i know how to make timers. and more
Past Redstone Experience: 
in the past i was bad in redstone butt now i know a lot of redstone. In the past i didn't know how to make redstone creations like a shooting dispenser butt now it is very easy. i know now how to activate all redstone piston together how to make a time mashine i hope u understant i am really good in redstone stuff
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
6-10 hours per week
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
big creations. creations u have never seen before. and not so big creations to test