posted by LiamBogurYT
on Tue, 2016-08-09 07:02
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to join this server because I am really good at redstone and I want to make my designs on a server so then i can share it and make it with friends and I love doing redstone so I want to be able to show it to the world (well more like the server) and it makes me happy to show and make redstone with friends
Current Redstone knowledge:
I have watched many youtube vids of mc I have even simplified a redstone design (link here: sorry I didnt have voice for some reason) and I have also made a couple cmd maps too so that adds up to it I guess?!
(link here: and sorry again for no voice)
Past Redstone Experience:
I have created all the redstone stuff I listed in "CURRENT REDSTONE KNOWLEDGE" and I have done lots of redstone stuff for my friends on the servers: Overrainbowzz,FPS-YT and alot more. I have also made lots of things including a double piston extender using only:
redstone blocks, pistons, sticky pistons, all the preasure plates, levers, all the buttons, slime blocks, all other blocks except the redstone ones that I didnt list
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am more good at the technical side of minecraft including redstone,cmds,servers,plugins (not the programing bit) and I am also good at being staff
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
mainly test stuff like triple piston extenders using limited redstone resources and other stuff like super fast elevators and stuff to help my cmd creations I also will make simplified versions of things including redstone minecart stuff (thats what I am mainly gonna focus on)