Application for Dawson7218

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
A have had a the same redstone testing world for over 3 years! I have made (and destroyed) a lot of redstone contraptions, but I have no one to share it with. Which is why I found this server. Seeing that it was a lot less complex to get on. A looked in further detail. And now here I am, applying for this. I like being able to chat. And most of all, I love redstone! (Just as a heads up I am fully aware of my younger age but I'm not the person to be super spammy and annoying)
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Okay so lets put it on a 1-10 scale, I'd say I'm around 8. (Excluding command blocks that's my brothers strong suit) I have made smaller (and big) redstone contraptions. From piston doors to mob farms to virtual pets! (With a simple drawing computer in the works). I know the logic gates I know the sorters I know the t-flip-flops I know the pulse extenders, I know the timer clocks. And much more!
Past Redstone Experience: 
So how I got into redstone originally was when I first got into minecraft after learning the basics. Once I was showed redstone I instantly knew It was something I wanted to do. So in my first world (it's approaching 5 years old) Creepr Craft (Yay for past me's speling) I made some minecart clocks. Fast forward I year later and I made a world called reddddd (or something) I made some stuff there. Upon the release of 1.7 the save was corrupted. So I made a new world called redstone (aren't I creative) and that is still my redstone world 3 years later! So yeah that's that. My current favorite redstone contraptions I have made is my virtual pet and Pixlr.5 (Pixlr.5 was the test pixel drawer that I was talking about earlier) My virtual pet is to the simple side. It has one stat happyness. He runs off a etho hopper clock every time the redstone block moves to one side and back. Every time this happened he will lose a bit of happyness if it goes to low he will turn sad. To get him happy you throw him 4 certain items Redstone, Eyes of ender, Diamond, or emeralds. 4 items in mc that make me happy. They will go through a sorter a comparater will detect them, burn them, and increase his happyness. For Pixlr.5 it is a pixel drawing computer thing. It is a test version so it is small. Each pixel is 1 2x2 square. There is nine of them. It has a save and load system. Flip down the save lever press the buttons to put the pixels is memory. Then press load to load your pixel art. The main thing used are T flip flops. So yeah thays about it.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I said it once and I'll say it again. I'm aware that I'm probably lower than the average age but I'm not super annoying or anything. I'm just a spoon. Every one seems nice here. I'm sorry about no screenshots my screenshot folder doesn't work for some reason. Anyways that my application. Thanks for reading! Bye!
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
First a more advanced version of my virtual pet. With more stats and stuff. Second future versions of Pixlr (Pixlr 1 Pixlr2 etc.) Third a walker bot. I'm gonna have to learn more about B.U.Ds for that. Fourth a lot more!