Application for krijn5

krijn5's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i want to join this server because i want to learn more about redstone besides the basics. and i think this is a good way to become better at redstone ,just by testing and building and improving and what better way to do it is with a whole group that also redstone. long ago when i started redstone i always wanted to build with a guy that knows his redstone (my friends don't) and who will understand my. than i was searching for a server/comunity probaly a small 1 becouse i dont like to have a growded chat :P and i came to this server when i was searching on youtube like the 10 list and found a chanel that futured this server and i thought this is my chance to become better.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i know almost every basic and circout (but not the names of em becouse i am not good at names has a private reason behind..) i also know how to make a computer screen data base and minigames i am also good in disigning i mostly use it for minigames and more this may not seem help full with redstone but it is trust me and i also know cool tricks and tips for compacting and cool machines i also get my way with slime blocks (robots flying machines and more)
Past Redstone Experience: 
i made big minigame projects , redstone puzzel map and giant slimeblock robot (with some help) also made a computer screen (with frames used to make minigames to with it) and a big data base for a storage area and i also made automatic farms (for a faction server and i made a redstone type machine
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
6-10 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i have dislextion thing and i am dutch
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
new minigames a big minecraft casino cool robot automatic redstone/farm hidden doors staircase.... and more