posted by anka458
on Sat, 2016-09-10 20:24
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in joining this server because i want to share what i know about redstone with people and learn something from them at the same time. I can offer good jokes and some help to people who need help with redstone or anything else they want help with. I am very excited to join this server and i am hoping i will have a good experience and learn more from the people who are experienced in things i am not.
Current Redstone knowledge:
My redstone skills are moderate. I am a slow thinker but i get the job done. I am good at hipster doors, trapdoors, like 2x2-5x5 trapdoors, elevators, and piston doors. My biggest piston door was 7x7 and it was decently fast. I do not like sharing circuits so some of my creations may be covered up so no wiring is shown. I am just hoping that ill be able to make better things on this server from the things that i may learn.
Past Redstone Experience:
My best redstone creation was a calculator that could add and subtract numbers up to 999 which took me over 3 months to make. I had to use monostable circuits to push the redstone blocks to light up lamps in the specific number that is selected, and i had to use pulse shorteners because the repeaters made them extend back and not line up. The main circuits that were used were cauldron(sorry if mis-spelled) randomizers and dropper-hopper "clocks" - well they werent clocks, they were bacically the way i added the numbers in the whole contraption.... I am pround of that creation but i will never try to do something like it for a long time because it took all of my energy XD.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
6-10 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am a chicken on the inside... like the chicken in minecraft..... srsly.... see my skin... jk XD..... no seriously i will be hoping i can be a part of this amazing server and HOPEFULLY make an impact on the server when i can.
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
i would mainly like to build big doors like supercharged 4x4 to 7x7... and hipster doors.(glass included) Maybe as my going away project i would make a HUUGEE calculator that can do addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and possibly square roots, and meanwhile until the actual calculator, i will be messing around with the circuits required to make it... so yeah... i have some plans.