Application for Jwaddington

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
1Well I am very interested in this server and I think that it could help me to be better at redstone. I have seen the builds that your members have made and I am very impressed! When my brother joined he was terrible but now he tells me about all of his redstone projects! I really want to learn how ton build things like ALUs and CPUs, and I know this server can help me do just that! I've tried other servers but they are way too busy to teach me anything. This server has a small community which I like, because the smaller, the more friendly and close.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I don't know too much about redstone, howver i know what binary is. I know how to make an AND and an OR gate, I also know the simple redstone physics. I know how compatators work and what they do. As well as this, I know how to build an XOR gate(i think) and a half adder.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Well, I haven't made too much, thats mostly why I want to join this server. I have made a redstone loading bar and a seven segment display. I have also made a pop-up bridge. My proudest creation was when someone built me a binary counter and I added a clock, attachted it to a decimal converter + 7 seg encoder and made a countup! It was only 1 digit though.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
6-10 hours per day
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
I hope to build a full adder, maybe eventually registers and/or an ALU. As I progress, I hope to (maybe) design my own adders, like ICA and maybe just maybe CLE. If the server takes me so far(I know it will) I hope to design some games like maybe Connect 4 or SI(Space Invaders) and maybe use my redstone knowledge - that I will have learned from this server - to make my own game!