Application for Jaervis

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
bicus i wanna learn me more redstone and i wanna have friends that know redstone.And bicus i wanna learn other players to learn redstone in mincraft.And for i wanna see other players contrapions and for i want to understand redstone. And if it gets wrog i can ask for help bicus it is a onlineserver
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i can loots of redstone i can build a small xo-rgate and not-gates and...and i can build loots of redstone T-flip flops but wen it comes too doors that over 4x4 its get harder o buid and i cant build a computer...and i can build a jumping sheep!!:D.and i can not build a aurmor selector (whit a Arrow).
Past Redstone Experience: 
My best Creation is the tiny T-flip flop it uses the one tick to acctivate a piston that phushes a redstone block.Oh i forgotted to say that i use a observer block.And i like the bubble extender (but i did not build it by my own )i just looked on you-tube and i looked on a mumbo jumdo video.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
yea,you shud add slimeblock and dispensers to visitor area
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
most doors but olso a loot of elevators and im exited.:D