Application for eL_T

eL_T's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I'm just looking for a good Redstone Server to build on, and challenge myself. I've been playing offline for years now and feel it would be fun to have my own plot on a server. I could possibly help others on this server with my knowledge of logic gates and debugging.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Proficient with binary logic, can build multiple variations of all logic gates, ALU functions, encoders, decoders. I've built a few piston doors and whatnot but I mainly build computational devices. I am limited at building BIN to BCD and vice versa, but I understand the algorithms, just have to apply it to vanilla Redstone. That's one of the stepping stones I wish to walk over once I get going on the server.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My most recent is a 4-bit line drawing machine using Bresenhams Algorithm. I've built the CPU but have not programmed it and tied it into my display. I also made a piston ALU without using any torches, basically just for the challenge.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I filled out an application almost 2 years ago but changed my MC username when Mojang released the option to do so, and I believe I got removed from the whitelist. I'm a 31 year old single dad with a 3 year old daughter, so the last couple years have been pretty busy...kinda hard to get in dedicated Minecraft time. But my little one is starting to do things on her own which leaves me more free time.
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
I would like to build a completed line drawing machine. Also a multi-function calculator, at least 8-bit but I'd like to make a reasonably fast 16-bit calculator if possible. But I think once I scratch those off the list I'm going to focus on purpose built games and puzzles, using un-conventional ALU components and logic....whatever makes it work as fast as possible.


eL_T's picture

The username I used in the past was: crome420
My profile is:

By eL_T

Its kinda strange, we have no data about your rank, but there are traces of your account. You visited the server 693 days ago :P
I will give you Learner, since the important data is gone :)

By Ecconia