Application for Not_Gate

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I have been a part of another redstoning server for quite some time, but have out grown the plots there. The server is known for building doors so the plots are very small, and don't have room for my mass logic circuits. I am looking for another redstoning community to get involved with to not only provide the physical space that I need, but other people who can help with large circuits.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
All of the basic stuff (Logic gates, redstone behavior, etc.) , extensive knowledge in large arrays of logic interactions, half-adders, full adders, all forms of binary number manipulation, clocks, alus , cpus , computers, and how binary and redstone logic translates into the real world.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Started 5 years ago with a castle door. Built my knowledge from there. Have built calculators that can do all basic operations and comlex ones (+,-,/,*, log , sin , powers , mod). Have made a graphing calculator. Have built many ALUs and several CPUs. Builder of the first and only RLE compression system in minecraft. Fully functioning 3d printer (can print spaces). Replica of the internet, scaled down a bit. First (I believe) fully unbeatable tic tac toe AI.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
I am looking to build very large computational structures. The big one that I am looking toward now is a fully modular computer running fully on 10tps serial wiring. I have also started a large chess game, and may try to import that here if I feel committed to that project.


yas dis is very gud -ssquared

By Tyloro002