posted by Xav101
on Fri, 2017-01-13 02:02
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
There is one main reason I am interested in joining this server - Logic. I've been into building basic components for a little while now, but I'm still looking to improve. I also would like to start building some of the more complex devices, such as entire CPUs. I heard that this server is primarily logic based, so I decided that it would be a good opportunity to attempt to improve my existing skills, as well as learn a few new ones in the process.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Currently, I understand a decent amount about redstone. I understand all of the basic mechanics and some of the more advanced concepts as well. I can build an ALU, but I haven't quite managed to build a full CPU yet (mainly because I don't know where to start/what to make it do). Probably my greatest limitation regarding redstone is compacting devices.
Past Redstone Experience:
Probably my best redstone creation to date is a 8x8 button panel sequential combination lock (64 buttons). Essentially, it worked using a few different components. The component that controlled which buttons were the correct numbers in the combination, as well as determined if the numbers were in the correct order, was a line of droppers feeding into locked hoppers. Each button had a dropper-hopper combo associated with it, as well as a multiplexer, and an RS nor latch. Each button input fed into a separate RS nor. The output from that RS nor went into a multiplexer. The states of this multiplexer were controlled by the dropper. If there were any items in the dropper, the multiplexer was in state 0, and the signal would go through to a reset line that reset all the RS nors and caused all hoppers to unlock and feed all their items back into their corresponding droppers. If there were no items in the dropper, the multiplexer was in state 1, and the signal would go through and make all droppers put 1 item into their locked hopper. This would also allow the RS nor to stay on, so the signal would input to a giant AND gate.
For example, let's say that the combination was 1-7-15-35-25-8-64. The dropper corresponding to button 1 would have 0 items in it, the dropper corresponding to button 7 would have 1 item in it, the dropper corresponding to button 15 would have 2 items in it, and so on. Because the dropper corresponding to 1 has 0 items in it, the multiplexer for button 1 is in state 1 (at this point all other multiplexers are in state 0). Pressing button 1 would turn on its RS nor, and the signal would go through the multiplexer and cause all droppers to loose 1 item. Now, the dropper associated with button 7 would have 0 items in it, and the 7th multiplexer would be in state 1. Each time a signal successfully passes through a multiplexer, all droppers loose 1 item and count down towards 0. The output will turn on once all the correct RS nors are on, which will trigger the AND gate.
I've also built some other stuff, such as a decent ALU, and some RAM (both hexadecimal and binary). But that isn't really as impressive looking as a massive combo lock that is half as long as the standard 101x101 plot size on many servers.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
One of the main things I would like to build on this server is a decent hexadecimal RAM. I've made one before, but it was very large and felt impractical compared to binary RAM. Despite this, I believe there may be potential in it to be able to store more data in a smaller space. I would also build things such as ALUs and CPUs, and probably a few games (assuming I have space for them).