Application for REDSTONE__LEGEND

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
to show off some of my build and maybe to learn a few new ones i am a good survival redstoner but i have limits there i would love to learn new things and help if i am able i am to learn things very fast and the sky is the limit when restone is involved i have a great creative mind that helps with redstoning i have the need to learn more and make more stuff that is cool fun and awesome looking
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i love minecraft i and a great redstoner i have been make my own redstone items for a few years now i have made my own bud switches ,my own doors form 2x2 to a 10x10 with no command blocks but anything over a 5x5 i never do anymore because i mainly play survival but i have made a few auto farm like tree farms charged creeper stuff like that i dont really kno how to make cpu but i am willing to learn and being around other redstoners is the best way to share ideal and learn
Past Redstone Experience: 
my 2x2 and small tree farm with log compacting is my favorite thing i have done lately it have a three double piston extension that crush leafs and moves the logs to the compacting lane where can have a weather cage but i use a tnt duper to break the logs all piston have a 1 tick pulse for fast and efficient great for afking and massive builds in survival i have build this in solo survival and that is where i developed it for the first time
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
> 15 hours per week
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
i would really like to show some of my bud switches and maybe my tree farm but when i start redstoning i cant stop till i have no more ideals