posted by DrRed_F00db4R
on Fri, 2017-01-27 21:54

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I'm looking for a Redstone Server and Compardrés to share builds and methods for the sake of learning, research and most important fun. I felt quite welcome already as visitor and I guarantee good sports between Redstoners(not explicit) and me. I found this Server via Planetminecraft and it seemed like the exact Server I was looking for.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I've got full understanding of Redstone Mechanics. Logic Gates and Flip-Flops are no problem and I used to design small versions. I build rather compact builds, tho I can't quite compete with the big guys that brought us diagonal CLE Adders. I've got solid understanding of Adders and am familiar with CLE and torchless technology which I seek to specify myself in. I've got basic understanding of Computers, not to mention read/write binary. Currently I'm learning ALU functions.
Past Redstone Experience:
Back in the day my best Invention was a fast Solid-state Counter(decimal) which was symmetrical and really fast using a method I didn't see around that time. sadly this has no adaption since we have ultrafast piston and hopper counter. My most recent creation is a SS torchless XNOR which is 3x3x3. sadly the output has inconsistent timing. A1 B0 takes 1 tick and A0 B1 takes 2 ticks.
How it works:
Input A goes through a Comparator in sub-mode, and into a NOR. Input B goes into said NOR plus into a separate NOR that is connected to the side of first mentioned Comparator to make it an AND. Out-AND and OUT-NOR are combined to make the whole thing an XNOR.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
6-10 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I'd like to warn everyone from my intimidating affinity for fireworks and cats.
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
Torchless contraptions but not exclusively. I may rebuild some peoples work, either to get a better understanding and/or to convert into a torchless version. Some other intuitive stuff that I might feel like building which could be anything with redstone.