posted by jbear2003
on Sat, 2017-01-28 01:11
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Overall this is a cool server. I have been searching for a good redstone server, when I found this on Later I found a video on youtube talking about the server. Some requirements I have been looking for in a good redstone server is no lag, many good redstoners(to help me), and to have strict rules. I have also played as a visitor and built a fun redstone machine. I want to be able to go on this server, build redstone machines and have people help me improve them. That's why I would like to join this server.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I am not going to lie. I don't have a lot of redstone knowledge. I will list some knowledge I have of redstone. I know how to build redstone clocks, use pistons, use And gates, use OR gates, and build simple adding machines. As I already said I don't have much knowledge of redstone. But I think that if I get approved I can improve my knowledge of redstone and even help others. That is my knowledge of redstone.
Past Redstone Experience:
Most of the machines I have made are not complex, but they still count as redstone experience. I have made many simple redstone machines. I have made redstone elevators, piston doors, a simple computer(that does addition, subtraction, and plays music), and a machine that would play a little movie. I definitely understand this probably doesn't look like a lot of experience. But I do understand redstone good enough that some players could probably help me get better and get more experience. That is my experience.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
I would like to build many cool redstone machines. Two examples are a calculator, and a computer. The computer I was thinking about building would be 8 or 16 bit and would do addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. It would also include "USB" ports that you could use to add features. As you can see I have some fun/cool ideas and I can definitely come up with more. That is what I want to build on the server when/if I get approved.