Application for KorkeeN

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I really like redstone and i think that if i join this server i will get help and also give help to others. I want everyone to learn redstone and to show them is a really good way of doing that. Because this server only has serious people and people how knows what thay are doing i could really build up a community and offer my redstone knoledge to others.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I have built a few calculators and i am currently reserching on on logic such as dividing binary numbers. I have built different contraptions such as piston doors and sorting system. I am starting to understand a bit more about redstone logic and my goal is to build a computer of some sort. My calculators has only been able to add and subract so i am going to further develop them.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have been using redstone for about 5 years. I started out building clocks and blinking lights. When the piston got into the game i started building different doors. Because i have been using redstone for so long time i have a really good base knowledge. About a year ago i started building more complex thing such as calculators and logic things and i am looking for developing them further.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I am happy to help other players
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
Different logic things and some more complex things like calculators and computers etc.