Application for 3point1415

Pi Studios's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am very interested in joining and playing on this server because it seems to be one of the best redstone servers there is. Every other redstone server I have found is either very exclusive, very bad, or both. I enjoy sharing my redstone creations and learning from other people's redstone creations a lot which is why I want to join a good redstone server instead of just playing in single player minecraft.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I'd say my current redstone knowledge is somewhere in the middle. I'd say I definitely am good at redstone but am not one of the best. My areas of specialty are piston elevators (they're what got me into redstone) and observers. I also consider myself to be one of the best MCPE (minecraft pocket edition redstone) but I doubt that that information is very useful to you unless you want to create a pocket edition server. Another redstone related thing that I am good at is spending a lot of time in things. I am very persistent and have plenty of spare time to work on many different creations.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I do have a ton of redstone creations that are very good, but the creation that is probably my favorite is my super fast (about 2-3 ticks) double sided seamless 4x4 vault door (which is also pretty compact). It uses a combination of slimeblocks and observers to make a very fast piston door. I have also created a very small (4x6) seamless 2x2 trapdoor using observers and a basic calculator (although I know longer have the world save).
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
I think that I will mainly focus on building piston doors because those are what I find the most interesting and are probably what I am best on. I may also do some elevators though.