posted by Plantpotgirl123
on Sat, 2017-02-04 18:07
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am intrested in joining this server because me and my friend (amazeballs1) were on another server (ChaosCrafter) and were having arrow wars using dispensers. We made a few more redstone inventions but kept getting kicked because your not allowed to use redstone because it causes lag things like hoppers and minecarts were disabled for Lag and glitch reasons I googled a good redstone srver and found this online on some forums this server is good but the application is very long and complicated I am seriously impressed with all the builds on this server.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I am just a beginner in redstone my friend amazeballs1 does most of the redstone work however we communicate over sjype and your server provides fun times for us together I am rubbish at redstone and only know how to work dispensers and stuff like that. I have no idea how to work Compaters and all that lot.
Past Redstone Experience:
I am experienced in creating arrow machines with dispensers and hoppers on a nother server called chaos crafter it wasn't so good though as we couldn't use most redstone operarors and bloks and items as it caused lag. Most of my redstone past was provided on Xbox edition with my brother for about 5 years about 6 minths ago I got PC edition and it has been amazing with being able to play online,more recently my redstone knowledge has been down to amazeballs1 who has recently become a learber on your servere were vtalking on skyoe right now lol .
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
sorry for any spelling erroes I cant be bothetred to go and correct it all sorry xx :D BTW I think that this is very long and I do acknolege the fact that you need and would like opinions but not to this extent ty from Plantpotgirl
Application status:
Not approved
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
Id like to build funny things like before I put a box around an AFK player and it was funny he was laughing. Id like to build thintgs like dispenser and I rlly rlly want to build an arrow fountain which requires the use of dispensers so that why im doing this so I xan build one.