Application for Sixten_creator

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
There are servers like for example Hypixel, they have gamemodes like buildbattle. Or for example other serves have Creative, but none of thoes server dont just ONLY have people that build redstone. This server only is about redstone and thoes who play on it is also intrested in redstone. here can I help and get help with redstone. play and see cool things learn and improve my skills.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I like to expand my limits I try to go bigger every single time ive builded the creation ive had in mind. For example, first I tried to build a 4*4 then 5*5 6*6 and then 7*7. I prefer doors because they can look differend and can be builded in different ways. I just finnished my 7*7 door and Im very happy about it. You that read this may think that that isn`t a big goal or maby u think, how do I know? My limits are at the moment to make doors bigger than 8*8 but maby in 5 months ive made a door that is 8*8 and that becomes my limit.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My best redstone creation today is my 7 by 7 door. I worked on it for 2 months and last week I finnished it. I was really happy that I finally had came up with a design that worked, The only problem that I didnt figure out myself was how to move back the biddle block in the right place. one of my friends helped my with that but told me that I needed to figure out it myself and that it was my creation and not theirs. My second best memory is a friend of mine and I created a limitles piston slime extender. :D
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
I whould like to continue my door building and create bigger doors than ive already made. So I can improve and deveop my already created creations. I want to share my creations so other can see how I solve problems and maby learn things. I want to create disblays and funney creations that the players can enjoy