posted by That_one_guy_73
on Mon, 2017-02-20 20:01

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in joining this server for several reasons.First of all, me and a friend are building a computer with a calculator and a game( tic tac toe). But the previous server we tried destroyed it with signs saying " No lag machines ". Also, we want to learn more about red stone and this server would be perfect. Therefore I really want to join this server.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know about most of the redstone gates and can build all of them.I also know how they work and why they work. I can then use them and put them together to make one very cool creation. I can easily make a display that connects to anything. I also know how to build a basic calculator.
Past Redstone Experience:
I built a calculator that was able to add any two numbers 1-9. It also had a display. I have also built a timer and elevator with redstone. I have built several redstone houses and one even came with a vending machine. It only gave you cake wen you put two iron ingots in it. No project i have been tasked with had been uncompleted. No matter how long it takes me, i figure it out.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
I would like to build a computer that can play tic tac toe against you and have a calculator that can add any amount of numbers 1-9.