Application for a_big_fan_of_PAT

GameDude12's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I realy wanted to do cool redstone creations on a public minecraft server but when I join survival servers to do this sort of stuff there is always something bugged or not working like hoppers working at snail speed about 1 item a minute witch stops a lot of creations from being creaed witch opsets me and I like helping others with problems I can fix and I always try the hardest to help other people with redstone. this server offers me a good working space with people that see my creations and understand it all.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I would say Good I have made many things and my latest project was big and took long to build but noone likes it or sees it hanging around on the youtube pages witch is sad couse its a cool creation but I get no attention for any of my cool redstone creations that are cool but noone likes i at the same time.
Past Redstone Experience: 
well I have tried many things in my testing world but my first good redstone creation must be the drop down crafting table entrance and my favourite must be the Defuse the Bomb minigame that is epic and my friends dont know anything about redstone and still found it cool and 1 guy didnt get it yet and later he said "wait you made that?!" in a surprised fassion. Redstone crafting table entrance: (warming bad video good redstone contraption beginning of my youtube) Defuse the Bomb Minigame:
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
1-5 hours per day
Application status: 
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?: 
mostly minigames and cool functional contaptions (I LIKE 7 SEGMET DISPLAYS) and good and fun playable minigames to enjoy and with compacted redstone and cool mecanics and playable features and no commandblocks of course aouse I dont feal like thats real redstone.