Virtual Pet (aka Tomodachi)

SuperAidSlayZ's picture
Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
SuperAidSlayZ: Learner
Creation location: 
X: 205 Y: 57 Z: -496
Machine Features: 

My creation is a Virtual Redstone Pet or as I like to call it, a Tomodachi. My Tomodachi has a 8x10 display - every pixel is 2x2 - , 3 status bars, hoppers for food, and a reset button. First, I would like to explain the display and it's purpose. The display operates off of the health bar and has 4 states that the Tomodachi can be in. The first state is the Happy state and will occur if the health bar is between 7-9. The second state is Neutral and will occur if the health bar is between 4-6. The third state is sad and will occur if the health bar is between 1-3. Finally, the last state is Dead which will occur if the health bar is at 0, this will also shut off everything including hopper timers, the food hoppers and once dead will not be able to be alive again without resetting. What I have just explained is the basic purpose of the health bar. The hunger bar is controlled by how much food you give the Tomodachi, the bar will gain 1 light for every piece of food that you put in the hoppers and won't allow you to give anymore food if the Tomodachi is in the Dead state or if the hunger bar is full. The hunger bar is one way that the Tomodachi either gains or loses health, it will start allowing the Tomodachi to gain health and weight if the hunger bar is between 8-9, on the other hand, if the hunger bar is between 1-2 the Tomodachi will start losing health and weight. This is the basic purpose of the hunger bar. The last bar is the weight bar. This bar is used mainly to prevent the player from over feeding or under feeding the Tomodachi. When this bar is between 1-2 the Tomodachi will start losing health, but if it's between 8-9, the Tomodachi will also start losing health, so this prevents people from over feeding or under feeding the Tomodachi. The last component of the Tomodachi I would like to talk about is the reset button. This may be very obvious but it sets the Tomodachi back to a Happy state, and sets the health bar at 9, the hunger bar at 5 and the weight bar at 5 as well. The button must only be used right when every bar is at 0 and not using it as intended can set the hunger and weight bars too high.

How To Use: 

Using the Tomodachi is very simple. If it is dead and all bars are at 0, then just simply reset it and use from there. If it's still alive then you can continue using it. Feeding it between 3-7 won't grant you any problems and keeping the weight at this range will keep it healthy. I hope that you enjoy it and the last thing I need to say is that I give my thanks to DrCrack for making the circuit that I use to add and subtract health, hunger, and weight. So many thanks to DrCrack!

Request status: 
Not approved