posted by ShadowS56
on Sat, 2017-07-08 03:11
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I haven't played much minecraft in the past two or so years, and have just started getting back in to it, especially the redstone. Having been very interested and involved in redstone, I really wanted to find a server to hang out with other smart people and reintegrate myself with redstone. I found this server yesterday and built a reliable and functional 3x3 piston door in the visitor area, so surprisingly I've retained some knowledge after all this time. But I would really like to learn how to build these things more efficiently, and more about advanced logic circuits.
Current Redstone knowledge:
As stated previously, I can build up to 3x3 piston doors; I'm sure I could do a 4x4 if I spent enough time with it, but I haven't gotten there yet. I understand most of the basic logic gates, including T-FlipFlops and RS-NOR latches. I've never built an ALU, nor do I fully understand how they work, but that's something I really want to learn. I haven't done anything with ram or the sort lately, I could use a refresher on that.
Past Redstone Experience:
Well, that 3x3 piston door in the Visitor area. I've built only two others, each more than 4 years ago, and I can tell you they sucked. They worked 70% of the time, and took around 8-10 seconds to open. This one turned out much better. ~ I built a button combination lock that required two codes. The first would be saved in ram, then you would enter the second code. If they were correct, the door would open. Wasn't the best design, but it worked. ~ Me and a buddy from another server built Temple Run, with halls you would run through with cool traps, a money system, and a random reward generator at the end.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
6-10 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am usually a very quiet and reserved person, and I have a strong regard for the rules. Having been playing minecraft for, holy crap, nearly 7 years now, I'm well and truly tired of trolls. I've even been the troll, and it never improved the game. Being a Moderator for more than 2 years really helped me see that.
Thank you for your time. I'm sorry I can't include any screenshots, all of my creations are long gone. The piston door is on the far right corner of the Visitor area, built in white and light blue wool, if you want to see it.
Application status:
What kind of creations would you like to build on this server?:
Bigger piston doors would be fun. I want to build a small calculator, maybe with multiplication if I get there. Honestly, I can't list specifically what all I will build, because I don't know. I hope to get a lot of cool ideas while I'm here.