the whole point of this is to get regular players active on the forums :D let's get them on here, and bury this message into the past
i may be new here but i've seen a few forums die while the group lives. lets do somethin on the forum that has in game rewards or somethin. forum scavenger hunt or somethin. =D
Noice! I think we have a winner here. Now how to make it and what will be there. Hunger games implies PVP so we may need a slight mod to rules and as such i believe it should be held in the /cr side so nobody knows what wer're doin till it's too late =p
the whole point of this is to get regular players active on the forums :D let's get them on here, and bury this message into the past
i failed for the 62nd time in a row XD
this is how we roll the and the number is 60
65, but we all wait for the 4th person after me
Why is this populare?
70 I think
* spelling
... Screw the double post rule... 69!!!
Ctrl+F is the answer.
21 - 1 since Helgi wrote your name once.
So 20 times
And I'm 70
You guys suck at counting...
you don't even need to try.. it says how many posts in the top right corner of EVERY post... 67
also, it's getting messed up b/c admins keep on removing their posts, messing up the post number... DON'T DELETE UR POSTS
And double(triple) posted 69
Hi, why wasn't I accepted?
You could have just answered my question in that post instead of telling me to pm u, and make u send a 2nd message
In this case everyone will start asking in irrelevant threads.
EDIT: wow, I sure overlooked the timestamp on this message. :P
I see no 51st post. But then again, there is a 69th one. And a 70. So I don't know whether I'm 71 or 52. I have amnesia. But I see no 51st post...
Admins have been removing posts from here, screwing up with the numbers... THIS is post 75 according to the # on the top right
1000. I win.
I'm bringing back this thread because it 50 days + 4 hours since last post.
Ps. For those who don't now how to count it is 54 :p
My fault :p 24 hours since last post:p 24+54=78? What a convincidence :p
uh oh i have to go my computer only has 54 percent and I'm saving it for the airplane
i think I am 83? Maybe? I don't know?
Let's play it safe, and go w/ 84
Wow, this has been here for a long time.
Yes it has been
Indeed. I have a huge rooster in my home.
We shall hit 5000 I swear!! The revival has begun!
post #89
=p c'mon 1k
90, b/c why not
i may be new here but i've seen a few forums die while the group lives. lets do somethin on the forum that has in game rewards or somethin. forum scavenger hunt or somethin. =D
That's a great idea! Perhaps a redstone themed hunger games?
Noice! I think we have a winner here. Now how to make it and what will be there. Hunger games implies PVP so we may need a slight mod to rules and as such i believe it should be held in the /cr side so nobody knows what wer're doin till it's too late =p
Meow =3
<(o.o<)^.^<) surprise but seks!
My fav text majiger :p
(ninety-six in decimal)
141 in octadecimal =3
62 in Hexadecimal, for those who did not know, that's 98 in decimal.
11 in Bi-Nine-Ary? :p
100 not in Binary, not in Hexa, not in Octa but in sweet Decimal.
101 I'm lucky because that is a high number :D
102, and 898 to go :p
well then, the show must go on! 103!
Herp derp lol 104
Well I made it so I get emailed every time there's a response to this thread, so 105
106. and still plenty to go.
107 still around 803 to go :-)