posted by Myself_vr
on Thu, 2012-05-31 00:31
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I love redstone... i searched for this server in google by typing "minecraft redstone server"
Past Redstone Experience:
i have some projects of mine like logic games , i have some ideas for logic gates... i have really big projects and my idea was to share them with you :) i'll be happy!
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
well... its a great server :) and i hope no griefers will destroy any of my future projdects here... cause sometimes i work for days to finish some of them. I have really big ideas. I play Minecraft for 2 years now and i am really a maniac :P
Application status:
Not approved
This is the EXACT same app,
This is the EXACT same app, but you changed playin' to playing... please write as much as you can in your native language if it is easier, and then use google translate to make things better
i have no problems with the
i have no problems with the english but i dont know what more you want to know about me???
Goodbys right.....