Application 1519

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
The main reason I want to join this server is because I'm interested in redstone and I would really like to learn more about it. Also I want to create new contraptions and get other people's opinions and ideas on it. People who know about redstone and can really give me some feedback. Also this server looks professional.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've created password locked doors that utilize an SR latch array. I've made a secret entrance using a BUD switch. I've also made one using a T-flip flop. I know all of the logic gates and how they work. I have knowledge of most of the latches/flip-flops. I've made a tnt canon that was able to shoot up to 180+ blocks. I made a Rube Goldberg contraption which utilizes mine carts, pistons, dispensers to shoot an arrow to break a painting, and items dropping on a pressure plate. I have also made a simple connect 4 game.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I have several idea about trap contraptions that I would really like other people to see and give some feedback. Thank you for taking the time out to read this!
Application status: 


Sorry if I couldn't post any links or videos for my creations, but I don't really like to post my things on the Internet and I'm really careful.

By Kanpai
goodby39's picture


By goodby39