posted by longhorn1347
on Fri, 2012-06-08 17:04
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
My friend got on this server a month ago, and has told me about it, and I think it's a cool idea to just have a server where everyone builds things using redstone.
Past Redstone Experience:
I've built a working lighthouse with sticky pistons and repeaters that I used to mark where my house was.
Multiple mob traps or player traps that killed the player/mob efficiently and left behind all drops or inventory. Usually built using arrows, tnt, or suffocation.
Doorbell systems and security systems for my house(s) using note blocks, pressure plates, and buttons.
Application status:
Actually, since summer started, about 8-10 hours a week.
More about myself
I enjoy things involving computer programming, and also enjoy just working with/on computers in general. In relation to minecraft servers, I like a good server that is full of nice people that will help me build creations or will help me work out problems in said creations. I would also like to make my creations better, and become better at creating cool things with redstone (even though I like programming, I'm not too good at redstone circuitry). In addition, I heard about this server from my friend driver565839.