Application 1656

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
As stated before, I hope to gain additional knowledge about redstone logic usage by playing with and observing other members of the server.
Past Redstone Experience: 
One of my friends helped me understand the basics of redstone and has since motivated me to want to experiment and learn more about it. Though I've never built anything large and incredibly complicated, I've had a number of original ideas including a wall that changes from showing water to lava when you push a button using a basic toggle and ABBA, and a "dance floor" that activates the lights when you put in a record using a BUD switch. I'll include a few screenshots for reference. - Island where my friend and I test our redstone ideas.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
That about covers it. I hope to hear back from you soon, and I look forward to learning and building on your server.
Application status: 


i know how to program in java too(php,pascal c#) but i program cuz i like it,i'm not in age to do an university.Good application :) good luck

By GabrielHK97