posted by luuko
on Sat, 2012-09-01 14:57
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I like redstone and this is a redstone server right And i wanna show people my creations
Past Redstone Experience:
A redstone guitar with noteblocks like that you just click a button and you play that note you can click on record play some notes and play it back later
i Build i think 4 to 5 days on it
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
This is my third application
Application status:
Not approved
Your application is still far
Your application is still far from getting accepted, Look at an approved application before you write one.
Okay but what is wrong may i ask
What is wrong...First of, you
What is wrong...First of, you are not describing yourself, you are giving us person information. When you are supposed to give us Infomation about your personality, abilities, skills, talents, (example: Creative?, Calm?, Fast Learner?, Hard Worker? Etc.)
Number 2. This is way to short! You need to write atleast 3 lines on the 3 first questions.
Number 3. You got some spelling errors which doesn't exatly help.
Number 4. You need to write more about why you want to join, any speciel reason you are choosing our server instead of someone else? Got friends here? You got a pasiont for redstone? Tired of SinglePlayer?.
Number 5. Describe what you've seen, made, designed, copied... Tell us how you made them, why maybe?, Did anyone help you?, Any good redstoners that you like?