Application 2551

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join the server becuase, the people on it are so nice and helpful. I want to join so that I may learn and maybe teach my friends what I know. I want to build the coolest and strongest redstone computer ever built. I want to have a part in something bigger than myself.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I made a 2bit, binary storage device in which you press the button to input a value of 1, then walk over to input your next bit. I've made Scroll Machine, in which you pull the "Call" lever to activate the redstone torch in the middle (C13). Then you press the button "Scroll" to activate 1 torch at a time on either side of of the Call torch. If the torch on the right is lit (R13), you can pull the Force TRUE lever to activate the torch on the left (L30).
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

Here we got an real app :D Thank you. Can't belive that you told me that you did you best first time :3

By Flandyn