Application 2556

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i want to help others learn what i know about redstone and i want to learn more about it, if there is any more to learn. also wanna show my creativity with redstone
Past Redstone Experience: 
calculator, computer, screens(all kinds), etc.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Application status: 
Not approved


I'm no moderator, but you should improve your spelling and grammar, as well as capitalization. Think of this as a job interview. In the real world, if your interviewer sees one uncapitalized "i," they will most likely throw away your application immediately. You also don't say in a job interview, "please accpet this application because I think I will be a great [insert job here]." If you want to be a player on this server, you send in an application to get you accepted. The application is enough. You don't need to beg to them that you want to get accepted, the application already does that.

By Goodatthis

Oh sorry. This was my first itme applying and I didn't think to read other applications that have been accepted. I also didnt realize that the application was this serious but I now know it is. If it doesnt get accepted, it is my fault for not reading other apps, and I won't do that again.

By ericejs123
Flandyn's picture

No capitilized i? That is most in English speaking country btw. You app is denied because you are writing unrelistic, you are a redstone expert, and your are not mentioning anything on redstone experience(Saying names on thing everyone knows you can make in minecraft doesn't count). If you really made something hugh and advanced, then you can only write about it, and tell us about the logic behind it. And I am expecting a lot on "Redstone Experience" When you are writing " An Expert in Redstone".

By Flandyn