Application 2576

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join this server because I like to learn new things from other people that haven't posted videos of their own creations. I also like to take those ideas and put them together with my ideas to make a cooler idea. I have seen some things that were created, but they were only video recorded by somebody else, not the owner of the creation. I'd like to see the owner describe their own creation and how it works rather than somebody who doesn't know how it works. I also like to see it myself in person so I can learn from it.
Past Redstone Experience: 
The most recent creation I've made was the changeable combination lock which I figured out maybe two to three days ago. It took me awhile to actually figure it out, starting with the simple four button input then moving on up to nine buttons. I first isolated the wiring from the inputs into an inverter which led to a t flip-flop which led to just an And gate. I used this so that I could use the flip flops to send current to the And gate which also included the changeable pistons. The way I have it set up is that the code is originally nothing. The pistons on the changeable side are inverted so it's always on. The changeable side is similar to the code input using t flip-flops. That's the way the And gate works. It works so that if I change the combination to 1234, the pistons that are connected to those buttons are retracted which turns off the And gate allowing me to go to the input and press those buttons to turn on the And gate. The And gate is the output which can lead up to a door, light, or trap or anything you want. If this is all to confusing, I can make a video by request and explain how it works like that.
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

Good example of a real application :P

By Flandyn