Application 2807

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Well I don't know I just like to redstone a lot it makes me happy, I don't mess with other peoples things (Unless of course they asked me to help them or something like that) I pretty much mind my own. Your server seems pretty nice, I think I have found a good fit here/new redstoning home where I can meet other redstoners like myself and of course grow and improve my abilities.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My current project that I did was the recreation of plants vs. zombies. I understand it has been done before however I like to look at an idea, such as plants vs. zombies, and recreate that without learning the actual principals of the design, and also tweaking it for my own personal tastes and whatever else. I successfully created it without seeing any previous plants vs. zombies circuit, that day was good day. I have also recreated other things, temple of notch for example. Circuits that I believe to have invented myself (Youtube I don't use much for redstone assistance): Mob detector: Turns a mob into a redstone pulse. Mob/Item sifter: Counts mobs as well as the items they drop if killed This one has been done before but I'm not sure if it uses the method I used, so I designed my own personal item counter that I use. I have no actual screenshots or anything like that of my work but you know, if you asked me to make those things I could.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Not really I mean, I like redstone, I pretty much keep to myself, stay out of peoples way and do my thing, I'm here to learn but also enjoy viewing others projects and learning information from them (That they're willing to provide me of course). I have always wanted to learn how to do things like complicated moving displays with pistons and all that so this may be a good place to learn how to do something like that, or to just improve my skills and have fun.
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

An amazing exemple of an good application. Perfect lenght, and a lot of good information that we would like to know. :D

By Flandyn